WONKY: unstable, shaky, crooked, off-center, lopsided, askew, misaligned, faulty, weak, unsatisfactory. Donald Trump and his mismanagement of America and, in extended disruption, the world order came to mind. I made a typographic interpretation of the word, and as I researched fonts, Trump’s influence kept influencing my choices. I have ended with a typographic story of his dismal activity in office. W represents the world he’s infected, the infection referenced by the yellow streak running through. O became the Corona virus he so thoroughly ignored and helped spread. N became Trump with his flip of yellow/orange hair and a red MAGA hat. K became Trump’s fascist political base which in this case are dressed as Storm Troopers, trying to kick peace and freedom out of our social structure. Y became America represented by stars and stripes. The gridded background suggests the cages immigrant children and adults were held in.